Saturday, April 3, 2010

Aventuras (Changuinola, Panama)

Journal Entry 1.20.10 6:00pm

I left San Jose this morning at 9:30 am, Panama bound. The busride was uneventful, yet comfortable enough, the border crossing was a bit time consuming but standard, but when I got to the bus station in Panama things got a little funny. So, the info I had on the gathering was pretty vague, I knew it was at a place called Finca 6 but that was the extent of it. I fortunately had the smarts to not just jump into a cab and head there and instead tried to explain what I was trying to get to in spanish which proved harder then I though. What I got across was along the lines of "a party for peace every year in different places all over the world." Luckily for me one of the drivers figured out what I was talking about and mentioned a guy named Orlando whom I remembered from the info. He called him up and withing ten minutes Orlando was there explaining to me that I would have to spend the night here with a friend of his and then we would leave in the morning as it requires a boat ride down a river to an isolated area next to the ocean! We jumped into a cab and headed to a random neighborhood and Orlando took off to explain the plans to some other gringos. So now I am sitting on the porch next to the neighboring police station getting eaten by mosquitos, watching small planes fly around crop dusting the numerous banana fields surrounding the house I am staying at. The fields belong to the Global Fruit Company which ships it´s bananas up to the states under the infamous Chiquita banana label. I love travelling. Well I think tomorrow should be the begin of an interesting aventura and I´ll let you know all about it...

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