Saturday, December 19, 2009


(From my Journal 11.13.09)

Today was a good day, a lot of hard work and a bit shaky. At about 1:30pm while I was excavating a bunch of mud and chicken crap from in front of the coop we were hit with an earthquake. At first I thought it was a heavy crash of thunder but as Liz said, ¨Did you hear that earthquake?¨ We felt a jolt that shook everything violently for a second. I remember thinking where the hell am I going to hide and was preparing to flee to the center of the field but luckily it was a short one. I´ve only felt a few in my life but the sensation of having a normally immensely sturdy object beneath you shift is a crazy one.

At dinner we were informed that the family would be leaving for the weekend, which means we are going to be in charge of the farm... What could go wrong?

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